Category News

1 Apr

Two New Gorilla Groups Opened for Gorilla Tourism

Gorilla tourism is thriving in Uganda, a country with more than half of the total remaining world’s population of the mountain gorillas. The good news coming from Uganda states the number of gorilla groups open for gorilla tourism have increased in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National park. The two new gorilla groups are Bukingi and Bushabo […]

14 Oct

Newly Gorilla Family Habituated in Bwindi

Excit­ing news for the gorilla pop­u­la­tion in Uganda… A newly habit­u­ated gorilla fam­ily with 30 mem­bers was launched for tourism on Sep­tem­ber 24, 2009. Chris­tened the Nshongi group, the fam­ily is located in Rushaga on the south­west­ern part of Bwindi Impen­e­tra­ble National Park. This is the largest group for tourism in the coun­try and is […]

12 Oct

Gorillas Visit Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp

Check out this amaz­ing pho­to­graph cour­tesy of Sanc­tu­ary Gorilla For­est Camp. Tucked away in Bwindi Impen­e­tra­ble For­est in Uganda, Sanc­tu­ary Gorilla For­est Camp was recently host to some unex­pected vis­i­tors. One of our guests at camp fell sick and had to for­sake his long awaited dream of gorilla track­ing. For­tu­nately, the goril­las decided to visit […]