The activity of Gorilla trekking or tracking in Uganda is carried out all year around. Because of this therefore, it will be up to you to choose the particular time you wish to travel to Uganda to trek the gorillas in their natural habitats. You will need to obtain a gorilla permit for each individual in order to view these great apes. Gorilla permits are issued on a daily by the issuing body; the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Most tourists do prefer to travel and stay in Uganda at a time when the country is experiencing dry spots. This is the time between May and September and during the months of January and February. In these months, there are also bright and sunny days where by the visitors during this time are less likely to experience the tourism activities. Every year, there is time when discounted gorilla permits are issued thus if your savings are low, then you can opt for these discounted gorilla permits.
When you are coming to Uganda for this expeditious activity, you will come well prepared for some muddy conditions. As you go in the wilderness to track the gorillas, you find muddy places. It may also get moist when you are in the wilderness. Because of this therefore, it will mean that you will need to wear lightweight and waterproof safari clothes. These are the best recommended type of clothes for you to use during this activity. The forest where the gorillas are found is too dense and this therefore means that you have to put on a long sleeved shirt.
Remember, the altitude in this area is ever changing in that one minute it may be cold as the other minute it may be warm. Before you go for this activity that is when you are at the briefing session, you are advised to ask for a walking stick. At the lodge, do not leave binoculars and your camera. These will help you take photos when you are in the field while watching these gorillas. On your hand, you need to wear gloves because you will touch some tree branches which do have thorns.
Each individual is required to purchase a gorilla permit of US 600 and this is for one day. In case you wish to participate in gorilla tracking in more than one day, you will then have to get two gorilla permits to enable you track gorillas twice in the wilderness. This price is considered mid range as compared to the republic of Rwanda which charges US 750 and the Democratic republic of Congo which charges US400. Most budget travelers have preferred tracking the gorillas in Uganda as opposed to Rwanda because they are relatively at a cheaper price. The population of Gorillas in Uganda is high compared to her neighbors- the Republic of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The easiest way to obtain these gorilla permits is through a local tour operator and usually, a packaged deal includes accommodation/lodging, transport and food, you should note that it is not advisable for you to show up the park headquarters without gorilla trekking permits. You will have to book in advance to avoid being inconvenienced. For your easy and convenience, the best recommendation for you is to get a genuine tour operator which can get you genuine gorilla permits issued by Uganda Wildlife Authority.
Besides gorilla tracking or trekking in Bwindi, there are also a number of other wildlife you will come participate in while in the forest. These include among others the tree climbing lions of the Ishasha area in Queen Elizabeth National Park, plenty, elephants, Buffaloes and hippos among others.